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Stylish Modern Wooden House Design With Interior Neat

Wood became the dominant material used to decorate this house design. Thus, it is not wrong if it's called a house of wooden houses. This house looks very modern and neat. The room was filled with a piece of wood base materials. Polished wood and neatly organized, bright, and color throughout the room. The house consists of 2 floors. The top floor uses wood floors with a bright shiny colors. Then designed with full glass windows, the room looks as such open space, pampering our eyes with beautiful sea views. Brilliant feature of this house is to use the top of the house as open space that can be used for a casual family room. In addition, the appearance of the lights also light in this house can not be underestimated. It is amazing and beautiful eyes. Scintillation light is scattered in various corners of the room.

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